In Projects

Capitini Project

In 2019 Articity organized the educational Project “Incontro con Articity” with the local technical school Aldo Capitini. This project gave students studying “International Relations for Marketing” an important training experience in artistic craftsmanship.
The project aimed to introduce young people to Perugian handicraft and to promote the artisan ateliers spread across the city’s five districts: Porta Eburnea, Porta San Pietro, Porta Santa Susanna, Porta Sole and Porta Sant’Angelo.
The students took part in a Digital Marketing Workshop organized by the Chamber of Commerce aimed at analyzing craftsmen’ needs in terms of local and global marketing, and investigating local citizens’ perception of the field. The material they collected helped to promote the artisans’ shops on social media and to create five walking tours through Perugian Workshops and districts, led by the students. Finally, trainees and tutors (Maria Antonietta Taticchi, communication agency Superficie 8 by Tatics Group s.r.l., and teacher Silvana Micillo) also made a marketing plan and organized a promotional event.
In June 2019, during the public event “1° Artiday – I giovani alla scoperta dell’artigianato”, the results of the project were presented to local authorities and the school community.
Project Contributors: Il Tavolo Delle Associazioni, Conosci Perugia, ITET Aldo Capitini Perugia, Associazione Priori APS.
Partners: Provincia di Perugia, Comune di Perugia, Camera di Commercio.
Tutors: Articity’s president and artisan Maria Antonietta Taticchi, school teachers Stefania Giannantoni and Silvana Micillo.

Conosci Perugia
Articity Tour – Porta Eburnea

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